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Proven Success

Leading Illinois Child Custody Lawyer

Child custody is one of the most highly contested and emotionally charged family law issues parents can experience. At Weller Law LLC in Belleville, Illinois, we are focused on creating parenting time (f/k/a visitation) and parental responsibility/decision-making (f/k/a custody) agreements that preserve the special relationship between parents and their children.

The sooner you call, the better. Before custody discussions turn into a heated courtroom battle, contact us. Call 618-277-3476 today.

We have handled hundreds of parenting time and parental responsibility (formerly known as child custody and visitation) cases involving both divorcing and unwed parents. As a mediator or guardian ad litem, attorneys Stan Weller (mediator only) and Christopher B. Smith (GAL only) will also work to help you resolve your parenting time dispute outside of the courtroom. However, if you and your child’s other parent are unable to come to an agreement, we will fight hard to help you achieve the best possible results.

Respected Child Custody Attorney And Author

Stan Weller is a respected author on the subject of child custody. He wrote a book entitled, “Preparing for a Child Custody Trial: What You Need to Know,” to guide parents through the process of trial preparation, evidence gathering and what to expect in your trial, to help you achieve the best possible outcome. As our client, you will learn about child custody and visitation in a way that is easy to understand from lawyers who are dedicated to preserving and protecting your relationship with your child.

The Best Interest Of The Child

In Illinois, child custody is based on the best interests of the child. Our attorneys will discuss how each of the several factors the court considers when awarding custody effects you and your case. We will help to establish a strategy to maximize your position regarding the best interests of your children.  See also 750 ILCS 5/602.5 and 602.7.

Guardian Ad Litems: Put Our Experience To Work For You

If you and your spouse are unable to agree on the best interests of your child, the court will order mediation. The mediator is a neutral third party who will help you and your spouse reach an agreement if possible. If mediation is unsuccessful, the court will often appoint a guardian ad litem who will interview both parents, the children and other people in the child’s life, and review relevant evidence. Stan Weller's experience as a mediator and guardian ad litem, as well as Christopher B. Smith's experience as a guardian ad litem greatly benefits clients who are facing contested child custody disputes.

Mediator: Contact Us For A Free Consultation

To schedule a free, confidential consultation with one of our experienced attorneys, contact us online or call 618-277-3476.

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